Whatspk Delivers Instat Search Any English Word translation To Spanish Whatever your need.
Keyword | Grammar | Meaning |
h5n1 influenza a virus subtype h5n1 a(h5n1) | h5n1 | |
habitat | h?bitat | |
habitat destruction | destrucci?n de h?bitat | |
haematology | hematolog | |
haemorrhage bleeding | hemorragia | |
hafnium | hafnio (m) | |
hafnium | hafnio | |
haiku | haiku | |
hail | granizo (m); pedrisco (m) | |
hail | granizo | |
hair | pelo (m) | |
hair | pelo cabello | |
hair | anatomy | pelo |
hair pilus | anatomy | pelo cabello |
hairdresser barber | peluquero | |
haiti | hait | |
haiti republic of haiti | hait | |
hajj | hajj (m) | |
half | mitad (f) | |
half-life | media de vida | |
haloform | haloforme | |
halogenated biphenyl | bifenilos halogenados |